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Adrian Manning is the editor of Concrete Meat Press.

He has had poems, reviews and articles published in magazines in print and on-line around the world.


Primary chapbooks and broadsides by Adrian Manning



Wretched Songs For Out of Tune Musicians (Bottle of Smoke Press chapbook 2003)

Literary Gunslinger (Hemispherical Press broadside 2003)

Down At The Laundromat (Concrete Meat Press chapbook 2004)

Two Poems (Feel Free Press broadside 2004)

Old Man (Concrete Meat Press - joint broadside with David Barker 2005)

As Unavoidable As History (Hemispherical Press chapbook 2005)

Bring Down The Sun (Art Bureau Press - joint chapbook with Henry Denander 2005)

A Tourist, A Pilgrim, A Truth (Bottle of Smoke Press mini chapbook 2006)

Repeating The Mantra (Bottle of Smoke Press chapbook 2007)

Next Exit Six (Kendra Steiner Editions - joint chapbook with K M Dersley 2008)

Wide Asleep, Fast Awake (Kendra Steiner Editions 2008)

All This I See Before Me, All This I Cannot Resist (Propaganda Press 2009)

These Hands of Mine (Kendra Steiner Editions 2012)

These Hands of Mine (Concrete Meat Press 2014 - also includes These Hands in Dub, a stripped down version of the eight poem suite)

These Days, Days Like This (Concrete Meat Press - joint chapbook with John Dorsey 2015) 

Wide Asleep, Fast Awake (Bottle of Smoke Press chapbook 2015 - illustrated version with drawings by Janne Karlsson)

Calling d.a. levy (Thin Red Line broadside 2016)

Dreams From Under A Rock (Concrete Meat Press 2017)

13 Poems From The Edge Of Extinction (Crisis Chronicles Press 2017)

Savage Beast (Indigent Press - joint chapbook with Charles Joseph 2017)

Looking Down Both Barrels (Holy & Intoxicated Press - joint chapbook with John D. Robinson 2017)

Laughing Like A Hummingbird In The Street (Analog Submission Press 2018)

Stare Down The Gods (Holy & Intoxicated Press 2019)

 Anamnesis (Analog Submission Press 2019)




























"Roman Candles and Red Lights" with Mountaintop Junkshop

(includes the poem "Bring Me" (2016)

"Wide Asleep, Fast Awake" with Harvey Sharman-Dunn

on guitar and noise (2016)

Interviews with Adrian Manning

Fox Chase Review

5 Questions with Jared Carnie

Dye Hard Interview

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